Posts tagged "behavior"

Can knowledge sharing behavior be stimulated by office design?

Question by Delphi: Can knowledge sharing behavior be stimulated by office design?
The question is about how office design can affect peoples knowledge sharing behavior in a business organization?

Best answer:

Answer by ashj_1218
Sure it can affect it info-sharing...that is why cubicles are the devil. Offices that are set up like classrooms tend to have the best cohesiveness and sense of accomplishment. Mostly because people are able to work with one another, see the face to face, and address problems as a team. Anything that partitions off areas is negative to working together and imparting knowledge. An added bonus to having a classroom like setting is that people are less likely to work on ‘personal' stuff when they are on the clock, knowing that there are other eyes watching what they are doing (or capable of doing that).

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Posted by OfficeInteriors - August 10, 2011 at 8:39 am

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